

LearnAndRecord 2022-07-27


The Ministry of Commerce said on Friday that negotiations with the US on trade issues could not happen under the current conditions. Does this mean that China is currently unwilling to enter into negotiations with the US?


My colleagues from the Ministry of Commerce has briefed you on relevant situation. Recently, the financial and economic officials from the Chinese and US sides have not conducted any negotiation on trade issues. Under the current circumstances, it is even more impossible for the two sides to do so.


This trade conflict was initiated by the US alone and it is entirely the one to blame. The US is wielding the big stick of trade sanctions while keeping saying they are willing to talk. I am not sure who the US is putting on such acts for ?


As reported by foreign media, some senior officials in the US administration have beenflip-flopping[1] on the trade issue with China. Some foreign media even say that they sent out mixed messages. Do you believe that the US side has lost its cool already? How do you think of the possibility of a trade war between China and the US?

[1]flip-flop: V-I If you say that someone, especially a politician, flip-flops on a decision, you are critical of them because they change their decision, so that they do or think the opposite. (尤指政客)改变立场

1) He has been criticized for flip-flopping on several key issues. 


2) He seemed so sure of his decision, how could he flip-flop so dramatically now? 




The US side provoked the current trade friction all by itself, and shall take full responsibility for it. What it did has violated the international trade rules, assaulted the multilateral trading regime, and betrayed its own promises. Its action is not in the interests of China, nor those of the US or the whole world.



The measures we have been obliged to take so far as a way of defense are meant to counteract the US unilateral actions. They are defensive measures to protect our legitimate and lawful rights and interests, and also responsible actions aimed at safeguarding the global trade system.


We have noticed that people of all walks of life in the US have called for a check on the situation to avoid a dangerous downward spiral and spare American families from any harms. In fact, the US equity and futures markets have already paid for the unwise and reckless behavior by the US side.


The US side had better make a correct reading of the current situation and entertain no illusions. It needs to halt its steps down the erroneous path. We have already drawn up very detailed countermeasures. If the US goes ahead and publishes the list for $ 100 billion products, we will fight back immediately without hesitation. We the Chinese people always  mean what we say. No one shall underestimate our will and determination to safeguard our legitimate rights and interests. We are confident that we  are going to have the last laugh.







